Eric Thumma, Head of US, Corio Generation, renewable energy, wind energy, offshore wind, onshore wind, clean energy, renewable energy investment, US market, country manager, Avangrid Renewables, Vice President, New Business, Offshore, Park City Wind, Commonwealth Wind, Kitty Hawk Wind, Vineyard Wind One, executive committee, policy, origination, development, onshore wind farms, 2000 MW, seven states, Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, Director of Energy, Deputy Secretary, Pollution Prevention, Compliance Assistance, clean energy programs, Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act, renewable energy sector, 17 years experience, July 2023, Corio, new business development, commercial initiatives, wind farm development, renewable portfolio standards, energy policy, environmental policy, clean energy policy, renewable energy projects, wind power projects, offshore wind projects, onshore wind projects, project development, project management, energy origination, energy 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Eric Thumma
Head of U.S., Corio Generation
Eric joined Corio in July 2023 as the USA Country Manager. He has 17 years of experience in the renewable energy sector with a wind energy focus. Prior to joining Corio, he was Vice President of New Business, Offshore for Avangrid Renewables where he oversaw commercial and development initiatives for Park City Wind, Commonwealth Wind, and Kitty Hawk Wind. He also served as a member of the Vineyard Wind One executive committee. From 2007 to 2018 he participated in the policy, origination, and development of approximately 2,000 MW of onshore wind farms in seven states. Before joining Avangrid Renewables, as Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Director of Energy and Deputy Secretary for Pollution Prevention and Compliance Assistance, Eric was instrumental in shaping Pennsylvania's emerging clean energy programs, most notably the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act which jumpstarted renewable energy investment in the Commonwealth.